Our Gaze

Tsou Yung-shan solo presentation


Opening reception: 27.10.2017 at 16h

SinArts is happy to introduce Tsou Yung-shan to the Netherlands. Tsou Yung-shan is a Berlin-based Taiwanese artist who focusses much of her practice on observing changes in our society, and in particular our visual culture. Obsessed by books, they have become a portal to observing the deep and underlying changes taking place in society today.

Paper has been the vehicle for literature for centuries; we have grown accustomed to the physicality of paper in the experience of absorbing content. Digital media has changed the way we interact with data;

SinArts is happy to introduce Tsou Yung-shan to the Netherlands. Yung-shan is a Berlin-based Taiwanese artist who focusses much of her practice on observing changes in our society, and in particular our visual culture. Obsessed by books, they have become a portal to observing the deep and underlying changes taking place in society today.

For this exhibition we are collaborating on creating a private environment for the visitor to read handmade books by the artist. The experience will be recorded from different angles and live-streamed to other parts of the gallery. The sanctuary of the closed cabin will be violated.

The interpretation of the contents in a book is greatly affected by the mode of its dissemination and how it is situated and presented. Reading has become an interactive process through rich digital media, and new possibilities are extended in format options. This is also changing the way we write/create. The experience of reading is no longer constrained to just words and pictures; videos and non-linear approaches to narrative are also readily accessible for authors to integrated in their process.

For this exhibition, we invite all participants to reconsider reading, and reflect on the evolution of content communication through book formats and to consider the possible relations between human beings and “books”. It is a creative time to envision new medias, and imagine or even question various conceptual mediums of presentation in narratives.

The exhibition will be accompanied by two artists talks, on 28.10(The artist book as object, with YinYin Wong) and 04.11(The Crossroad Between Public and Private - Where I End And You Begin), which will be announced seperately.


This exhibition has been made possible through the kind support of Spotlight Taiwan and the LeidenAsiaYear.